2013: Polylogue II - World Summit in Arts Education
 May 2013
Wildbad Kreuth, Germany

Program of the Conference and Documentation (Link)


Final Results: From Wildbad Kreuth 2013 to Banff 2016 - A Roadmap for INRAE

Arts Education, “Education for Sustainable Development” and “Education for All!:  Linking the Seoul Agenda to the major programs of UNESCO

One of the main results of Polylogue II was the conviction, that there is a pressing need to relate our work to the major programs of UNESCO.  This is particularly important because the goals of the Seoul Agenda are directly related to the goals of such initiatives as Education for Sustainable Development and Education for All.  The Seoul Agenda identifies arts education as a “fundamental and sustainable component of a high quality renewal of education.”  When seen as a catalyst for the improvement of teaching and learning in formal, informal and non-formal education, arts education has a direct role to play in pursuit of the goals of both UNESCO initiatives. 

Because the Seoul Agenda assigns a critical role to arts education in the improvement of educational systems, it is essential that strong links be forged between the researchers in arts education and these two UNESCO initiatives.  Also, because of the centrality of UNESCO Chairs and Observatories in the establishment and operation of INRAE, it is logical that INRAE take steps to build bridges between arts education and these initiatives.  In the course of the next two years, excellent opportunities will be available through which this goal can be achieved:

1.       UNESCO and the Government of Japan will hold the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development - Learning Today for a Sustainable Future (10-12 November, 2014).   It is essential that the instrumental strategies of the Seoul Agenda be considered as recommendations for future strategies are developed.  INRAE has a responsibility to see that these strategies are discussed in this context.  With this in mind, the INRAE steering committee will appoint a small working committee to prepare a report detailing specific examples of arts education project work that advance the goals of Education for Sustainable Development for presentation at the World Conference in 2014. 

2.       Then, in 2015, UNESCO and the government of the Republic of Korea will hold a World Conference on Education for All (EFA).  Again, the presence of INRAE is essential to ensure that the potential of arts education is fully taken into account as plans to extend the mandate of Education for All beyond the 2015 target date are made.  It will be possible for INRAE to make a substantial contribution to this Conference and it is proposed that a white paper be collaboratively prepared by INRAE for this purpose.  This paper will address a number of pressing questions including the following.

o   How can arts education help achieve the goals of Education for All.  Of particular interest is the contribution arts education can make to the recently released proposal from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (2013) that a greater emphasis be placed on quality of education in the post-2015 mandate. 

o   How do the EFA goals influence the field of arts education? This is a largely unexplored area that should be introduced into the discourse.

o   How can the linkages between the Seoul Agenda and EFA be articulated in specific detail?

o   Can we use the work on AEDI (Arts Education Development Index – INRAE’s own project, presented by Susanne Keuchel in Wildbad Kreuth) for this purpose?

These proposals are fully in keeping with the current mandate of INRAE which involves promoting understanding of the tenets of the Seoul Agenda and monitoring its implementation.

 The following action items constitute the “next steps” to be taken in pursuit of this agenda.

·         Strike a working committee / task force to prepare a report for 2014.

·         Strike a working committee to prepare a white paper for 2015.

·         Engage with the UNESCO Institute for Statistics in the further development of the Arts Education Development Index (EADI).

·         Continue planning toward a World Summit (Polylogue III) proposed for Canada (Banff) in 2016.

·         Continue advocating for a third UNESCO World Conference (Finland, 2015/7?)

Polylogue II was accompanied by a film group from two schools in Munich.